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Premium Bokashi Starter Kit (2 bin)

(127 customer reviews)

$157.00 CAD$178.00 CAD

*Best seller*

Successful bokashi composting typically uses 2 bins, as this allows you to CONTINUOUSLY collect and compost all of your food waste as it’s produced. This is why our 2 bin kit is consistently our best seller for households new to bokashi composting.

Our 2 bin starter kit provides everything you need to successfully begin bokashi composting in your home, office, school or community.

This 2 bin bokashi compost kit comes with your choice of 2, or 4 bags of premium bokashi bran. Shipping costs are the same for 2, or 4 bags, because the bags fit inside the bin for shipping. This makes the 4 bag choice your best overall value.

Each starter kit includes:

  • 2 x bokashi kitchen composters (bokashi buckets),
  • 2, or 4 x 2.2 lb (1 kg) bags of premium bokashi bran,
  • includes Complete Guide to Bokashi Composting booklet.
  • Saving you up to 33%.

Order today and start producing your own homemade, microbe & nutrient-rich compost!


This complete bokashi composting starter kit offers our best value, and is consistently one of our best sellers to those new to bokashi composting.  In this kit, we’ve included everything you need to successfully start bokashi composting.

Each 2 bin bokashi composting starter kit includes:

  • 2 x bokashi kitchen composters with,
    • air tight lids,
    • spigots for draining the bokashi tea,
    • bottom strainer plates,
    • durable handles,
  • cup to collect bokashi tea,
  • includes Complete Guide to Bokashi Composting booklet,
  • your choice of 2, or 4 x 2.2 lb (1 kg) bags of premium bokashi bran.

Each 2.2 lb (1 kg) bag of bokashi bran is enough to ferment 5 full kitchen composters. For an average family, this is about 3 to 4 months worth of food scraps per 2.2 lb (1 kg) bag.

Other uses of bokashi bran

Microbe rich bokashi bran has multiple other household uses! In addition to building better soil, you can also:

  • dig it into existing compost piles to help re-invigorate them (this is especially popular during the colder winter months). With the addition of bokashi, life quickly returns to the pile, greatly speeding up the pile’s activity and quality of compost.
  • see great results by adding it directly to the garden as a soil enhancer. Simply dig in half a cup of bokashi per cubic foot of soil before planting into your garden or potting containers. The bokashi provides perfect conditions for plant root development.
  • add it to kitty litter boxes, animal cages and outhouses to help control odors. Simply sprinkle the bokashi bran in these areas for a noticeable difference.

Storing bokashi bran

Bokashi bran is best stored in an airtight container, out of direct sunlight, and within a few degrees of room temperature. When stored correctly, our bokashi bran will remain fully active for up to 18 months. Our bokashi bags are zip-lock style, and can be considered as airtight for storage.

Warranty and support

All our bokashi kitchen composters come with a complete 1 year warranty. This includes lids, spigots and drain plates. We also offer ongoing bokashi composting support to all our customers. Simply call or email us and we will be more than happy to answer any bokashi composting questions you may have!

Our strict production process ensures that our bokashi bran is always of optimal quality and freshness, before delivering to your door. We test and thoroughly dry each manufactured batch prior to shipping.

Additional information

Weight 4.9 kg
Dimensions 20 × 30 × 51 cm

127 reviews for Premium Bokashi Starter Kit (2 bin)

  1. Nicole W.

    I absolutely love my Bokashi bins and have shared about them with my friends. This purchase was a wedding gift for one of my friends.

  2. Tyler

  3. Ezgi C.

    This is my first bokashi bin and I am so glad I picked this brand! Very good quality!

  4. Joelle

    I’m excited to see some progress – so far, not much but I am hopefull. Apparently we make a lot of kitchen waste so I’m a little nervous the compost won’t be ready to put outside

  5. Alice D.

  6. Vanessa Haycock

    I love my new Bokashi compost kit. I have it in my house and its so convenient an there’s no smell. Its ” clean composting!” way better than my pile of compost out back in the garden where we have to walk on a muddy trail to get to!

  7. Jyothika Valluru

    We ordered about 60+ Bokashi bucket sets recently for members of our Garden Club Community in California and Nick and Nicky have been very diligent and extremely good in handling our large number of multiple orders. I like their bins, bokashi bran, very detailed instructions on how to get started with Bokashi composting. I highly recommend their bins and their Customer service is extremely good. The only recommendation is to maybe switch to USPS or a different carrier so we can avoid any hiccups in the delivery process which is beyond their reach! Thank you Nick and Nicky.

  8. Shalise

    I’ve used these buckets and bran for about 5 months now to pre-compost my kitchen scraps before adding them to my compost pile and I think I’ll be using them forever. I love that you can Bokashi just about everything instead of picking and and doing so makes my compost pile much less attractive to pests. It takes a ton of the guesswork and frustration out of starting to compost. I haven’t yet confirmed if the food scraps compost faster after adding them to the pile than non-bokashi’ed ones (it takes me about 8 months to make a square yard of compost), but I can say they’re better than other brands. I tried another brand of buckets and bran first, and those buckets didn’t seal well and the bran rotted my food scraps instead of fermeting them (it smelled like … well death, it was nauseating) where Bokashi Living’s bran makes the food scraps smell closer to home pickled foods; not like flowers, but not very unpleasant either.) On the downside, one of my valves has already broken slightly, and there’s no push-down tool like other brands offer, so I’m using an old glass stockpot lid and a spatula that are now Bokashi tools forever, but even with the slight drawbacks, I would heartily recommend Bokashi Life (and have to my friends who are interested in getting started composting).

    • Nicki Casley

      Hi Shalise,
      Thanks for the review and glad to hear that bokashi composting is working well for you.
      Sorry to hear that you are having difficulty with one of the spigots. However, nearly every spigot can be fixed using one of the simple steps included in this blog post: (this information is also included in the 4-step guide that came with your bokashi composting kit). Please reach out if you continue to have problems after trying these steps. All of our bins are covered by our 1-year warranty.
      And thanks for input about the ‘push-down tool’. We try hard to minimize the amount of waste associated with our product. We did include a ‘masher’ at one point, but found that many customers were not using it and preferred to use items that they already had, old plates, pieces of cardboard etc. Therefore we dropped this item from our kits.
      Happy composting 🙂

  9. Anonymous

    Everything is of a high quality and arrived in time. Really happy with the purchase and the booklet explains how to use everything really well. Very much looking forward to using them. Thank you

  10. Eva C.

    Love it! Does not smell and is very easy to use! Looking forward to applying the compost to my garden. Thank you for this product!

  11. Eva Kelley

    The perfect design and such a great bundle offer! I am thrilled with the quality and thoughtful design accompanied by clear, concise instructions. This company has made Bokashi easy to understand, get started, troubleshoot, and see through to all of the garden gold benefits.

  12. Bri

    Incredible way to compost
    Where we live, surprisingly, they don’t do composting at all of any kind. As environmentalists, we can’t let this happen. So right now we have worm bins, as well as this wonderful Bokashi bin. With the worms we were able to compost a fair bit with little effort. Though there are many things which you still can’t as worms don’t like certain foods. But now with this, we compost just about everything! This is super convenient, easy to use, and it contains all the odours! Not only have we found that this is creates a great product for growing plants, but we also found that a bit of the liquid down a clogged drain clears it right up! We use it regularly on our bathroom sink (for some reason the sink clogs a lot) and no more do we have to worry about it clogging again!

  13. lovetoeat

    Only just started: So far the bin keeps the smell at bay when the lid is tight. I just recently started so I haven’t seen any results yet.

  14. Cheng C

    Highly recommend!
    I don’t even smell anything even if I put the bin in the kitchen. And my vegetables really likes the compost, growing much better than before.

  15. Rusty S

    These bins are awesome, seal well, no smell when closed. Runoff juice is great fertilizer. Put the contents in my tumbler composter with some existing compost and it completely broke down in 4 weeks! By far the fastest method of composting I’ve ever seen. You can put anything in there as well, meat, dairy, even chicken bones. Highly recommend

  16. SKL350

    This system is expensive for the fact that it’s basically a fancy compost bucket…but it really works well. I got the two pack which was a good call as I could fill one and let it sit and ferment while I filled the other. I kept these under my sink and there was zero smell. Ill admit…BOTH buckets are full and have been forgotten about. Under my sink has been there about 6-8wks since I filled it and i only just now remembered it was there bc its just starting to have a very faint smell. The other bucket I forgot about in my mudroom until a few months later it also, started to smell lol. for an inhome solution, this is awesome

  17. David Ellington

    Perfect for my needs
    We bought the starter Bokashi kit 1 1/2 years ago. There are 2 adults in our family. The kit is just what we needed both to feed our plants and to cut down on our organic waste. The two bags of bokashi have lasted up to the present. The buckets are sturdy and just the right sized for a senior woman to handle. They still seal nicely, eliminating unwanted odor. Indeed they sit on our back deck where we often drink coffee.

  18. Stephanie Maxwell

    The change we didn’t realize we needed
    In 2020 after being stuck at home during a global pandemic our family started to look for ways to grow more in the garden and waste less from the kitchen. To slow the flow of food-related waste leaving our home for the landfill, we looked for some alternative methods for disposing of food waste and we turned to composting as an option. After doing some homework on how to do this properly we found @compostable.kate on Instagram and learned of the Bokashi process.

    Looking for a stateside option for Bokashi bins we found Bokashi Living on Amazon and started with a two-bucket starter kit. With a family of 5 (3 teenagers) and my parents in the home, we realized that we were going to need more than just the two buckets. 1 year later we added 2 more.

    We have made mistakes along the way (leaving the lid unsealed) and have had a couple of sticky situations with our buckets but the learning curve is fast and mistakes were easy to correct. We now fill our buckets every few months and process all the Bokashi in three, 3’x3’x3′ outdoor compost bins near our garden. The tea is used to either activate our compost or it is diluted and fed to the plants around the house when watering. We collect leaves in the fall and then use yard waste, chicken poo/pine shaving bedding, grass clippings, and Bokashi compost and tea to make amazing compost for our yard and garden.

    Our family has seen great results in our soil health since starting to use our Bokashi Living kits and highly recommend them to all households. We know our efforts are small but it feels good to not waste so much in the landfill and to be able to turn our food waste into something productive and healthy. We live in a residential area in a very dry state and can still make an impact.

    For transparency’s sake – Our only issue with these buckets was with the drain system which started to leak on a couple of our buckets a little over a year into use. I submitted a support email to Bokashi Living on their website on a Friday afternoon and by Monday of the next week, I had a phone call to my cell with a solution. No need for added parts, just a simple and quick removal/cleaning of the drain system and we have been back up and running with no issues. (Thanks Nick for the chat!!!)

    Our family’s food habits have changed for the better in our home over the past couple of years and I just can’t ever see it going back to how it was. Thanks, team for the awesome product!!!

  19. Ozzie

    Easy, no smell, no food into landfill
    Just started using this Bakashi composter a month ago. and it’s great. I purchased after I had to get rid of fish and shellfish after a power outage and could not put into the outdoor compost. Smell free, easy, only effort is putting food scraps into bucket, sprinkling each layer with purchased “ pellets”, and once or twice a week, draining accumulated liquid from spigot (smells picked) which I add to outdoor compost. After a couple months, the bucket is ready to add to outdoor compost (or sand to compost pick up. I am pescatarian and will use for fish skin, shells of shellfish, leftover pet food. No food in landfill, which doesn’t break anything down due to lack of oxygen and expels methane.

  20. John K

    We have had this system for several years now. It is awesome and easy to use. Their Bokashi bran also works great as a soil amendment when transplanting outdoors just mix a tablespoon or two into the soil when transplanting. I dilute the liquid produced with water and use it to water plants with great results. We have two containers so one continues to ferment until the other is full. I then empty the older batch into our compost bin to start filling it with kitchen scraps again. Once in the compost bin it breaks down quickly into usable compost. Occasionally the spigots may begin to leak. In our case everytime it was simply a matter of emptying the bin, cleaning and tightening up components of the spigot to stop the leaking/dripping. We have been thankful for finding this Bokashi system for handling our kitchen waste.

  21. Sebright

    My usual brand to buy. Good quality

  22. Sebright

    Expect to have 40-60% less garbage to go to the landfill. After a couple of days of loading your bucket a wonderful tea comes out of the spigot. This is a good, live fertilizer mixed at a rate of 100:1 100 parts water to 1 part water. Very strong Bokashi tea.

  23. Courtenay


  24. Waldo

    Just started the composting process with the Bokashi. This will be a nice addition to my worm tower. I hope it is successful . The process was well explained in the information booklet.


    Bokashi Living is awesome! This is my second time ordering from them . First time I ordered straight from them in Vancouver BC and my order got lost. Spoke with Nick at Bokashi Living and he couldn’t of been nicer. He resent the order .

  26. Key west

    Given as a requested gift. Bigger than expected, but recipient very happy with it.


    Item as described, with a Super tight fitting lid.

  28. San

    Quick. Delivery. Stable. Contains a compost smell. Easy to use.

  29. Peggy S.

    So far, I’m loving it! My first batch is going well.

  30. Christina P.

    Quick shipping and customer support was dealt with right away , I look forward to ordering from bokashi living in the future thank you

  31. Vanessa

    I recently started using my bokashi kit and love it! I knew the 2 bin kit was right for me because I wanted to have a consistent cycle of compost to add to my small garden. It’s so satisfying to see the bokashi doing its thing every time I open it up (every 2-3 days). Almost 2 weeks later, I still haven’t filled the first bin (2-person household).

    I was concerned about the potential smell of having the bins in my apartment but they are air tight and no smell comes through when sealed. When open, the smell is sweet/vinegary and although it’s probably not everyone’s favourite, I don’t mind it at all. It’s cool to be able to repurpose my own food waste (squishing it is fun too).

    If the cost is too steep, there are cheaper DIY alternatives. I wanted to invest in a small business with a well designed product that is perfect for my small garden needs.

  32. Marilyn S.

  33. Yuko Katsumi

  34. Anonymous

    I waited to review until I had completed multiple cycles of filling and composting. This is a great system! Keeping one compost bin open while the other is full and curing is really easy. Almost zero smell when it is closed (and even then the smell is really only when you get within 6 inches of the buckets). Drains super easily, the liquid is great both as a fertilizer (watered down) and a drain cleaner (straight down the kitchen sink!). I can not recommend this enough- it was my first experience with Bokashi and it has been great!

  35. Lawrence

    This is a bit pricey but everything about this combo is great. I don’t know why other reviews talked about flimsy bins because mine are very well made. They hold quite a lot of food scraps. After three weeks or so we can empty the content into the larger compose bin outdoor to continue the composting process. The bins are easy to clean, the bin handle is very sturdy. they fit into our kitchen very well. There is no foul smell issue as long as we keep the lid close each time we dump stuff inside.

    I limit my food scarps to veggie and fruit only. No dairy, meat, blood, fat, or seafood. I wrote this review after roughly 5 months of usage.

  36. MSchmid

    It’s great. I do not attract any wildlife to my compost since using bokashi. Love it!

  37. Frank

    Just loaded the bucket with greens and Bokashi .
    I will post how things go with this method of composting

  38. Stacie

    I love this! System is easy to use, customer service has been great!

  39. Core4ever

    Bought this to make compost- it however is more a soil amendment as you have to eventually bury the food product into the soil to make compost. I did see a huge difference with my plants in area buried with this method than with nothing at all so beneficial still.

  40. Anonymous

    The bags of bean broke open in shipping but the kits seems to be a great quality product.

    • Nicki Casley


      Thanks for the review and apologies for the open bags of bran. I will get 2 replacement bags of bran in the mail to you today to replace any bran lost in transit.

      Happy composting 🙂

  41. morgan m.

    It was so much easier than expected, I put my daily kitchen scraps in a bag in the freezer and once it’s full I empty into the bin. The compost worked beautifully!

  42. Marilyn Sugiyama

    In Kootenay boundary we’re welcoming the return of Spring and the bokashi buckets! The worms are happy to receive the thawed winter-stored compost and we feel back in balance recycling our food waste again. Thanks for the great products and service! Your Bobo fans, Marilyn &Tim

  43. Cindy

    Great quality!

    Little smell an awesome indoor composter. Ur plants will love the liquid gold that comes out great item

  44. Emily

    These bins are dope!
    In Edmonton it is cold AF and I can’t compost in winter since it just freezes.
    I hate food waste and I hate sloppy disgusting food waste stuck to my green bin. I’ve got chickens, worm compost, and now, I’ve got bokashi. I’ve been doing this about a month and just sent my first batch to decompose in my soil farm and I’m feeling accomplished as hell right now. I took sandy dusty nasty soil that I was planning on throwing away and added it to the food. There’s no smell. It’s in my house and there is a MASSIVE amount of food in this tote but there is ZERO SMELL. It’s only been a few days but when I move the soil aside there is a huge difference already, I can see the food disappearing. Thank you soil microbes.

  45. Jerie K

    Bought your bokashi system 6 months ago, have used it as you recommended. It works just as promised. There are just 2 of us, thus we do not have alot of wasted food, but this system has cut our garbage can waste down a very noticeable degree…perfect for small families. Thank you so much!

  46. Dana

    Make your own dirt! I love turning my food scraps into soil I can grow more food in!

  47. Lydia

    Great product! Love using these! Has really helped my garden adding the liquid compost.

  48. Sandy Farms

    Wow! What a great composter.
    I am completely happy. My one concern was that a lot of Bokashi bran would be needed, and I would need to reorder frequently at a significant price point. Not at all! 1 tablespoon per 1 inch layer of kitchen trimmings. Very happy with that. I bought two bins so that I could fill one and compost the other at the same time. Good product. Everything sturdy, and generous.

  49. Kindle customer

    My plants love the liquid that pours from the bottom and I know that my worms are going to love it when I make a space to bury one of the contents soon!!

  50. Georges M

    Reçu en avance, conforme à la description, pas encore utilisé

  51. St-Cyr Linda

    A peine reçu que j’ai débuté mon Bokashi. Jus Bokashi a commencé en qqes jours et hop mélangé à de l’eau selon les instructions et mes plaintes ont adorées. Voyez comme elle se sent bien. Toutes ses feuilles ont remontées pleine d’énergie vital. Merci Bokashi. Je t’adore.

  52. Tace S

    Thanks for checking in. I’m chomping at the bit but am having a kitchen renovation going on right now. I have barley fit all my cooking needs into my living room and have no room for my bokashi buckets. Can’t wait to get started in February.
    I appreciate your great service and friendly, thoughtful service. Thank you!

  53. Konrad J

    Thank you for the fast response and order fulfillment. Glad to have found your company and will be ordering more in the future.

  54. Johan O

    I have just made my order. Thank you for such an excellent service!

    More than happy customer here! :)))

  55. 4theluvofdog

    Well made. Convenient and easy to use. Great way to compost!

  56. Ezzgo’n

    Works great but should have only bought one not two!

  57. Yudy

    Good morning,
    I recently bought the bokashi starter kit (2 bin) and I want to mention I love it.
    Thanks for your support!

  58. Cellobug

    It fits under the sink and the lid is tight so no fruit flies. I love it.

  59. Verified customer

    It’s super easy to set up and it works amazingly!!
    It’s super easy to set up and requires nothing other than your food scraps! And it works brilliantly. I recommend this to anybody who grows plants and has garbage. It’s that good.

  60. Rowan

    Great starter kit! We purchased this kit because we live out in the boonies and have to take our garbage to a station out of the way. Wanted to avoid rotting food / maggots during this hot summer and so far it’s been a great decision, completely cut down on our waste and the buckets are very sturdy. Overall great product.

  61. Jacob D

    Works great! This is my second time trying bokashi composting. The first time I made my own buckets. I must say, I really like how convenient it is to buy a pre-made one that’s ready to use. I also love the square design – it fits nicely below my kitchen sink. I was initially worried about the lid seal allowing oxygen into my bucket, but I’ve had no issues and my EM seems to be thriving. I’m very happy I made the decision to buy these buckets.

  62. Dan, California

    I love your products; we are currently running two of your buckets and our garden loves us for it. So do our friends and neighbors who get the compost “tea” that is more than we can use. The buckets and such are all very well made.

  63. Happy customer

    Thank You! Excited to be exposed to fermenting compost system! Look forward to pouring my first bucket in a trench in the garden! Cheers

  64. Bokashi composter

    Must have for those who love gardening in the backyard. It is a perfect kit. It works as it advertised.
    It’s like plug and play, and good investment

  65. gldndtch

    Delivery was fast and item was exactly as described. Time will tell if this form of composting works for us. 🙂

  66. Kim Bantten

    Quality product from a quality brand, I now rely greatly on these bins, they helped me so much and are so convenient compared to other ways I’ve tried. clean and easy with great results, that’s what sold me on them… I’ll definitely be back for more.. thankyou Bokashi

  67. Carly Jane

    I already compose with worms so I wanted to get a system set up for the dairy, meats and other stuff that the worms don’t eat. This Bokashi system is very good. Doesn’t smell. I recommend it.

  68. C

    I’ve had this for a short time. My first pail is almost full. As yet no smell and I can see less garbage . I think it was a good purchase.

  69. D.A.Davis

    I am giving my plants compost tea now and they love it. Very easy to set up and there is no smell coming from them. I highly recommend it.

  70. Nadine

    I just filled my first bucket – packed it up for its 2 week processing period. Great instructions to get things started. Will know more in a month or so.

  71. Yulia V

    I’m using this system for a few months already, in summer and winter (-30C, using the soil factory indoor).
    I was able to get composting consultations over Bokashi Living website and Instagram when needed.

  72. Reader27

    Item arrived in the estimated timeframe despite shipping delays from BC. It had an easy to use starter guide and after a couple of days, I already get the compost vibe when I open the lid! For those not familiar, be advised this will not turn it into dirt-like compost – rather it significantly accelerates the ability for your compost contents to assimilate to the soil when you bury it. Looking forward to spring!!

  73. Lezlie Chasse

    Very impressed with the design and quality of these composting bins. I have only started my first bin a week ago and have added 3 separate times to it but there is no Oder. I sprinkle a quarter of a cup over the waste each time.

  74. Jacqueline Thomas

    I love using these Bokashi containers and the Bokashi Bran. I am now on the third batch; it is almost full and ready to ferment for 3 weeks. My husband buried the first two batches, one in each of 2 raised 4′ x 4′ vegetable garden beds–only 5 more to go. We’ve been using the tea to fertilize our fruit trees and potted plants.

  75. Jackie Schuknecht

    This system works very well to compost ALL of your kitchen scraps. It has a tool to press down your food for anaerobic fermentation. I also use a plate to press it down even further. It also has a little cup to collect the “tea” at the bottom of the container. Great fertilizer for your indoor plants in the winter or pour it down your drains to freshen them up. Didn’t leave myself enough time to bury the fermented food so I will leave it in the container until I bury it in the garden in the Spring. There is no smell in the house.

  76. Celine Toronto, On

    I bought my first bokashi compost in March this year and received it in April and I really really love it. We have reduced our food waste by 100%, we don’t even take the compost out for the city to collect!

  77. Brian H, Sacramento, CA

    Your bins are really great and they are working well for us, and our garden will surely be even better this year with our dug in compost added!

  78. Diana Q, Nanaimo BC

    I am thrilled with my bokashi living system, we’ve had it for a while now, so we’re in the flow and glad for the ease of it with the bins.

  79. Maureen H, Dayton Ohio

    We are so grateful for this bokashi system.

  80. Happy customer, Texas

    After trying bokashi, frankly we cannot live without it

  81. Happy customer

    Appreciate the solid customer service.

  82. Olivia Friesen, Illinois

    I have to pay for my trash collection. I like a zero waste lifestyle because it is free and the right thing to do. Bokashi composting is my biggest step towards zero waste.

  83. Happy customer

    Bucket is sturdy, spout works great. I use this for proteins, citrus, eggshells and avocado shells. Most of my vegetable compost goes to my worm bin. There is a vinegar smell but not putrid as I would expect with meats. It is strong but that is to be expected. Going to dig a trench to bury my first bucket tomorrow. The liquid doesnt smell bad.

  84. Mary Huebert

    Nice product for composters. I have been looking for an overall composter/specialty composter and this fits the bill. The research I did was to look for a compost bin that would work for fats and greases as well as meats and dairy products; this is it. I also like that fact that when you drain off the liquids that accumulate over the composting time that this can be cut with water and used as a fertilizer. The set of two compost bins only had 1 cup for measuring when everything else in the box was set up for two separate bins. Well packaged and quick delivery.

  85. Happy customer

    I’ve been using this for over a year now, and I’m now on my 11th bucket. I’ve used the soil factory, buried it directly, and have put it in my compost pile. Each bin takes me about 38 days to fill (we are a household of 2), and each bin uses about 146g of bran. Overall, a great way to use your kitchen waste in the garden, but it’s not as impressive as some people make it sound.

    – The plants seem to like it
    – It’s the best and quickest way I’ve found to use kitchen scraps (including meat, dairy, and cooked foods) in the garden.
    – Reduces the amount of material I put into the municipal green bin, but still need to use the municipal disposal for some things (see below)
    – Having 2 bins is excellent so that you can keep filling the other one while the full one ferments.
    – I like the flexibility of having multiple ways of using the pre-compost since I don’t always have a free spot to dig a hole to bury it.
    – Buckets themselves are good quality and are holding up well so far

    – I think it smells kind of like barf. Not super bad, but definitely not pleasant. If a drop of the liquid spills, you will smell it for a while if you don’t clean it up right away. The smell also lingers in the empty bins after you’ve cleaned them. Attracts flies when outside.
    – Hard items like bones, avocado & mango pits, don’t break down as quickly. You can identify them easily after a few weeks if you use the soil factory method. So I usually put these into the city organics green bin.
    – Some seeds don’t break down either. I had lots of cantaloupe sprouting in one of my soil factories. I also put this into the green bin.
    – Animals do get into it sometimes. First, I used a large felt pot for a soil factory, but animals got into it and ripped holes all over the felt pot (see 2nd pic). This wasn’t suggested, but it was all I had at the time. I then used a plastic bin with 1″ holes in the bottom for my soil factory. The first time was okay, but animals discovered my second bin. They could get under and into the holes to dig out a bunch of the soil and ferment. I put most of it back into the bin, but that was pretty annoying. Now I’m lining the bin with mesh. I’m not sure whether it was raccoons, skunks, rats, or others, but they did come back more than once, so animals do like it.

  86. MamaIzzy

    Easy for anyone and everyone! I am the compost fan in this house, no one else is! So after 2 years of fighting with my family about composting, I purchased this kit and put it at the end of the counter in the kitchen. It is super easy and straightforward to use! I am composting more than ever now and there is no smell, no bugs, no massive effort to compost. It made my life a lot easier.
    I add scraps, then add bran, give it a stir, put the lid on and walk away. Next day, repeat. It took us 2.5 weeks to fill the first container. As it sits and thinks about what I have done (ferments), we are filling the second one.
    After 2 weeks, I took it out to “bury” it (dump and turn it into my compost pile) and rinse out the bucket, kept going.
    Because the fermenting is happening inside the sealed bucket, the amount of wildlife in my yard has thankfully declined in the past few weeks! YAY! Raccoons and skunks are cool, just not near my garden or house!
    I highly recommend every kitchen has this set of containers.

  87. Scotty L

    Love love love Bokashi Love it! I love Bokashi-ing…. the no smell thing is a lie… I mean it doesent smell when it’s all sealed up but when you crack the lid to re-fill or to drain the liquid, WHOOOWHEEE that smell is stroooooong! very pickley, pungent smells, definitely has to be brought outside in my opinion to re-fill or to drain.
    But my gardens and compost heap LOVE IT! And we cut on half our curb side waste of not more! Will never buy compost again from the store!

  88. Mark Southeby, North Carolina

    I bought the Bokashi Living bins a year ago. It works so well, I’m buying two more bins as a gift for my brother. Cheers!

  89. Adrienne Cote, Quebec

    I bought the bokashi bins after seeing my friend’s garden respond amazingly well to it. She has rocky soil, and the bokashi compost really made a big difference for her.

  90. J Teta Jr

    As advertised. Very convenient way to dispose of kitchen scraps and feed the garden.

  91. Lisa Alexander

    Bokashi is EASY! Super simple! Waited till the weekend to set it up but very excited to see what happens!

  92. Martin G

    Very useful. I have tried others but for me this one works the best. I am glad I found this and I use them every day. Makes great composting for my raised garden beds!

  93. Martha L

    Slick as sliced bread!

  94. Victoria Faith

    Finally an easy way to compost!

  95. Nonnajo

    Kitchen composting. No smell, less trash, better garden soil and house plants

  96. Robert Croft

    The lids have a nice tight fit and I am hoping they keep it.

  97. Frida E., Colorado

    My soil is very clay-like and has been difficult to grow in for years. I started bokashi 1 year ago, and as advertised my soil has steadily improved. This year my tomato plants have produced wonderfully, for the first time. Very satisfied!

  98. Hanush sisters

    Love this set. It’s easy to use and no animals have gotten into it! Yay!

  99. Stefanie

    We are on our second batch of composting and are liking it so far. Two bins are just enough if you eat lots of greens, perhaps three may be better. We really like that it doesn’t smell and that the liquid can be used in the household. We haven’t yet used the composted soil.

  100. Happy bokashi composter

    Convenient, clean, effective

  101. Mary Elaine

    This is very simple to use. For a single person it takes quite awhile to fill up one bin. The smell is very vinegary when the bin is opened but not unpleasant.

  102. Eugene

    Bokashi composting made easy!
    Just started composting my kitchen scraps using the Bokashi Living kit in June 2020. The process is quite straightforward. We fill one container while the other one ferments for two weeks. I live in the Rocky Mountains at 8,000 ft. so we can’t have outdoor compost piles because of wildlife. My only complaint is that the spigot has been leaky. Wish is were more sturdy. Otherwise, I’m a Bokashi convert.

  103. Frequent Customer

    Love this!
    The best system I have ever used. It lives easily under my kitchen counter. Mild non-offensive odor only when I have it open. Closed it has no odor even in my small kitchen. I’ve put massive amounts of vegetable trimmings for two households into it for a month and it handles all of it just fine. I keep contents covered with a sturdy medium size plastic bag because it can be adjusted to reach to the inner edges of the bucket to keep air exposure minimal. It has already produced plenty of liquid Bokashi tea for my entire container garden and extra to put down my drains to keep them clear. I am now sharing the tea I draw off with the local nature center garden and with friends.

  104. E. Aldahondo

    Works great! I have beautiful compost 1 month after ferment
    Works great! I have beautiful compost 1 month after ferment. I ferment 2 weeks and put it in my soil factory for 2 weeks after and seriously, it’s like magic. Favorite composting thus far! PS: I also feed it to my worms, which seems to be ok. You just have to be mindful of how much you give them. the ph can be off and it heats up incredibly.

  105. P J

    Saving our soil!
    purchased this system because my husband and I purchased a home in Hawaii that also includes a farm plot. Because traditional composting attracts so many pests in a Hawaii, due to our year round heat, bokashi seemed like the right choice. The system is very easy to use and the fact that I can compost meat and bones is incredible. Our new home was built in old pineapple fields, where the soil needs a lot of TLC to get back to normal, after years of pineapple pesticide use. The fact that beneficial micro organisms are being reintroduced into our soil and that overtime we can rehabilitate our soil is a very satisfying feeling. Very excited to see what this simple system with bring us in the long term.

  106. Sandy

    Easy and clean composting.
    So far so good. This is a cyclical process. The first bin has been filled, sat for two weeks, then burried. In another week I will plant in it. The second bin needs to sit another week.
    The process of layering kitchen food waste with the bokashi bran and collecting the tea from the spigot went smoothly. No offensive smell at all!
    The tea mixed with water makes a wonderful and nutritious garden supplement. Plants are flourishing. I will update as I progress in the cycle.

  107. Frequent Customer

    The best system I have ever used. It lives easily under my kitchen counter. Mild non-offensive odor only when I have it open. Closed it has no odor even in my small kitchen. I’ve put massive amounts of vegetable trimmings for two households into it for a month and it handles all of it just fine. I keep contents covered with a sturdy medium size plastic bag because it can be adjusted to reach to the inner edges of the bucket to keep air exposure minimal. It has already produced plenty of liquid Bokashi tea for my entire container garden and extra to put down my drains to keep them clear. I am now sharing the tea I draw off with the local nature center garden and with friends.

  108. Maureen C

    My first experience with this type of composting – easy to do. We collect scraps in countertop container (I use ice bucket with lid) and transfer to composting bin once a day and sprinkle with barley. Container holds fair amount, helps to have 2 in rotation so one is fermenting (2 weeks) while you are collecting scraps in the 2nd bin. It does have a kind of pickled scent – to be expected- but odor is contained completely by bins- you wouldn’t know there was any scent until opened – and I do recommend doing that outside. I had 1 bin arrive with missing inner straining tray- it was promptly replaced by seller and they also sent some mesh cloth veggie bags. The bags are intended to replace grocery store plastic bags that you use to grab loose fruit and vegetables. They weigh almost nothing and are so handy I’m thinking of getting more. Great experience overall!

  109. Gabrielle A

    This is one of the best investments I made last year! These bins are super helpful as they reduce the amount of compost I need to bring to our local food scrap drop off, they generate fertilizer for all of our plants, and I will be using them to make super fertile soil to start all my seedlings this spring. I was really worried about insects or rodents being attracted to the bokashi bin however there hasn’t even been a smell let alone any other issues. It took about three weeks to fill one bin, and that is cooking for two in a vegan household where we cook most meals at home. This was supplemented with use of our local municipality food scrap drop off for some items that I didn’t believe would break down well in the bokashi bin it would have been detrimental to the finished soil (LOTS of coffee grounds, avocado skins, oat yogurt, etc)

  110. Ben C

    We LOVE these things! Outdoors, we have a static pile of leaves, grass and yard waste, but indoors has bothered me for a while—I HATE throwing out food waste. And things are even trickier at our house because I’m vegan and my wife isn’t, so we have plenty of non-vegetable waste. With the Bokashi bucket, problem solved! They’re easy to use, NO odor when sealed and surprisingly little odor when opened, the bokashi system is awesome. It takes us about 3 weeks to fill one of these large bins (that still fit under our sink, easy peasy) and when the first one’s full and fermenting, we’re filling up the second. With two bins, it’s easy to keep one in constant rotation, and they “pickle” everything from meat and bones to pizza and fruit. It all breaks down beautifully in the garden in about a month (slower in winter), and you get “tea” to use as a house plant food in the mean time! I HIGHLY RECOMMEMD this product! ???

  111. mech66

    Good Product

  112. Holly G

    We’re a bunch of hippies and have always aimed to produce as little waste as possible but traditional composting has its limits. This has been a game changer. There was very little learning curve, there is no smell associated with keeping the bins inside, and we are now almost down to zero waste. Super thankful for this opportunity, and thrilled that it wasn’t cost prohibitive for us!

  113. Rory P

    Super stoked for spring! I am actually blending up my compost in a food processor then putting it in the provided bins. I am hoping this will speed the break down up. We live in a pretty high bear activity area so I am hoping this system will help keep them out of the yard. The bins are great quality, fairly easy to manage and before the ground froze I already saw a spike in the worm activity in the garden. Spring soil should be looking nice, can’t wait to see how the garden flourishes. I have been draining the “juice” off into my sink, so that should clean the pipes, and I guess it also helps activate the septic!

  114. CJ Taylor

    These Buckets offered me a headache free experience. Zero worry. You follow the simple supplied instructions and it just works as intended. No unwanted fowl scents, no bugs or rodents. Buckets are built well and if you ever have issues, the customer service is some of, if not the best I’ve ever seen. Lightning fast response time, even on holidays. This purchase was a no brainer and I can’t be happier with my Buckets.

  115. Tess B.

    I bought this Bokashi composting system a couple months ago after failed attempts with a home-made system. The ease of set-up and use is worth the price. The ability to drain off the liquid every couple days is well designed. With our very cold winters, outside traditional composting comes pretty much to a halt, even in my black (for heat), rotating (for easy mixing) bin. I have felt bad for years that I could only compost kitchen waste 8 months of the year. With this system, I can put the “semi-compost” from the Bokashi bin in the outdoor, traditional compost bin year-round and it is continuing to break down. It is working perfectly. I will have a full bin of compost by Spring that usually took until mid-summer (at least).

    • Nicki Casley

      That’s fantastic to hear! Thanks for the awesome feedback. We love to know that our products are being put to great use. Happy composting 🙂

  116. Frida E. Colorado

    My soil is very clay-like and has been difficult to grow in for years. I started bokashi 1 year ago, and as advertised my soil has steadily improved. This year my tomato plants have produced wonderfully, for the first time. Very satisfied!

    Frida E.

  117. Amazon customer

    I love the bokashi system of composting and these kits are a great starting place for anyone interested in learning more.

  118. Joan

    Great product and excellent service. Bokashi composting is a speedy, easy way to turn kitchen waste into composting gold. This product helps you do it.

  119. Sabina E Yates

    Easy instructions for easy set-up. Quality design and manufacture! Very satisfied!

  120. Ben

    We LOVE these things! Outdoors, we have a static pile of leaves, grass and yard waste, but indoors has bothered me for a while—I HATE throwing out food waste. And things are even trickier at our house because I’m vegan and my wife isn’t, so we have plenty of non-vegetable waste. With the Bokashi bucket, problem solved! They’re easy to use, NO odor when sealed and surprisingly little odor when opened, the bokashi system is awesome. It takes us about 3 weeks to fill one of these large bins (that still fit under our sink, easy peasy) and when the first one’s full and fermenting, we’re filling up the second. With two bins, it’s easy to keep one in constant rotation, and they “pickle” everything from meat and bones to pizza and fruit. It all breaks down beautifully in the garden in about a month (slower in winter), and you get “tea” to use as a house plant food in the mean time! I HIGHLY RECOMMEMD this product! ???

  121. E. Aldahondo

    Works great! I have beautiful compost 1 month after ferment. I ferment 2 weeks and put it in my soil factory for 2 weeks after and seriously, it’s like magic. Favorite composting thus far! PS: I also feed it to my worms, which seems to be ok. You just have to be mindful of how much you give them. the ph can be off and it heats up incredibly.

  122. Martha L

    Very useful. I have tried others but for me this one works the best. I am glad I found this and I use them every day. Makes great composting for my raised garden beds!

  123. Amazon customer

    Best method i’ve found for composting food waste. My garden is doing very well on it.

  124. Jean M (Amazon customer)

    It was exactly what I’d read it would be and arrived as stated. I started the bokashi right away. Wish we could get the world in tune to doing more of this kind of thing!!

  125. Christine

    I purchased the 2 bin Bokashi kit in October 2016. I set up a soil factory for the winter months in our heated crawl space, using heavy duty storage containers. This is the fastest method of composting I have tried. I have 200 litres of compost ready to use this spring-2017. I absolutely love this system!

  126. Sophie

    I bought your bokashi bin a few weeks ago after a failed attempt with a diy bin last year and i’m really glad i did!

    Thanks for your help!

    (Bokashi Living customer)

  127. Peter L.

    I’ve been bokashi composting for a year. You’ve been most helpful! My veggie garden is truly looking the best I’ve ever seen it.

    Peter L.
    (Bokashi Living customer)

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