Store Affiliates

Welcome to our Bokashi Living Affiliate Sellers pages

Our affiliate program is perfect for anyone who blogs, is on social media or runs an online store. Big or small, our affiliate program is perfect for veterans of bokashi composting, or those just starting out.

Existing sellers

If you are an existing affiliate, please log in to your account dashboard to access your unique selling links, and sales data.

Thank you for helping us spread the word and helping others benefit from bokashi composting. Happy composting 🙂

Ready to become a Bokashi Living affiliate?

Here's how to get started.

  1. Sign up with our online form.
  2. We'll email you once your application is approved.
  3. Share your unique affiliate link wherever you want. Earn commission for every sale you direct to our website.

And that's it! We are really excited to have you on board. Please get in touch if you have any questions.