
Lindsay asked 7 years ago

Is bokashi bran gluten free? I have celiac disease and don’t want non GF substances in my kitchen or in my soil.

5 Answers
Nicki Casley Staff answered 7 years ago

Thanks for the question. Our bran is made using wheat bran so would not be suitable for you if you are avoiding all gluten products in your home. I’m afraid I’m not aware of anyone making gluten-free bran that I can refer you to.

Malcolm answered 7 years ago

I have read bokashi recipes that use rice husks. I guess availability in wheat producing areas may be a problem, but it suggests that any carbon-based substrate would work. Google “newspaper bokashi”.

Heather answered 3 years ago

I have two celiac children and would like to try the bokashi composting for my garden. I also
live in rice country-could I get rice hulls from a rice producer and use that? Would it need any particular treatment before adding?

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