Do I need to buy worms if planting bokashi precompost in soil factory or raised garden bed?

Bokashi CommunityCategory: bokashi composting questionsDo I need to buy worms if planting bokashi precompost in soil factory or raised garden bed?
Jennifer asked 3 years ago

I cannot dig holes in my yard to bury my bokashi precompost. Instead, I want to bury precompost in a raised garden bed (open on the bottom to have access to the ground) and/or in a soil factory. Do I need to buy worms to put in the soil factory or in the raised garden bed? In the raised garden bed, I plan on creating my own version of the Subpod by using 5 gallon plastic food grade tub with drilled holes.

1 Answers
Nicki Casley Staff answered 3 years ago

You do not need to buy worms for the system that you describe, as if there are some open contact points with the ground then the worms and other life will find their way there on their own.  And as usual, if you can find a few shovelfuls of healthy soil or fresh compost containing worms and other organisms, then adding that yourself will speed the process considerably.
Hope that helps 🙂 Happy composting

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