Citrus, onions and rice in Bokashi compost

Bokashi CommunityCategory: bokashi composting questionsCitrus, onions and rice in Bokashi compost
Kathy asked 6 years ago

I read that citrus, onions and rice cannot be put in compost. I always did and now I cave this concern.The article says:

“The natural acid in citrus peels and onions kill off the necessary microorganisms and worms.”

“Rice will attract pests, but rice also provides a lovely, fertile ground for bacteria that could harm the beneficial nutrients.”

Please advice if this is correct for Bokashi compost. Thank you.

1 Answers
Nicki Casley Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Kathy,

Thanks for your question. No, this is not correct for bokashi composting. One of the beauties of bokashi composting is that you can compost all of your food waste, including citrus peels, rice and onions.

You might be interested in this blog post: What can I put in my Bokashi kitchen composter –

Happy composting,
the Bokashi Living team

Ahilan Ratnamohan replied 4 years ago

Hi, I just read your blog post. I was about to start a bokashi bin today and am still wondering, do I have to consider the overall health of it? For example, with a compost bin I could get away with a bit of citrus, as long as it was not overpowering.
Basically I was thinking of starting off my bokashi bin with a fair amount of citrus, some old bones (already used for stock) and then a small amount of regular compost material. Will this work?

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