Can the compost be finished in the bin itself rather than burying it outside?

Bokashi CommunityCategory: bokashi composting questionsCan the compost be finished in the bin itself rather than burying it outside?
Isaac asked 7 years ago

Hi I’m growing micro greens in my apartment and id like to compost indoors. Am i able to vomplete the compost in the bin itself rather than outside?

1 Answers
Nicki Casley Staff answered 7 years ago

No, you can’t finish the composting in the bokashi kitchen composter. You need to add the fermented food waste (pre-compost) from your bokashi bucket to your garden soil or compost pile. It is the life (worms etc) in the garden soil that will finish off the composting process.

This, however, doesn’t mean that you have to have a garden to be able to finish the process. This article on composting for condos should help. Making a soil factory is a popular approach with many.

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