Maggots in soil factory

A Sekar asked 3 years ago

After 30 days of adding Bokashi precompost in soil factory, there is lot of muggots seen. I broken down the lumps and mixed it well. The soil is little watered. After mixing up, added a layer of dry soil. Is that OK or how can we get away from muggots.

6 Answers
Nicki Casley Staff answered 3 years ago

The maggots may be the result of either too much bokashi precompost in the soil factory, or not enough life in the soil that you put into the soil factory.
So… you could try putting less bokashi precompost into the soil factory (or put more soil into it instead, to dilute it down). 
And as always, make sure that the soil that you put in there initially is healthy garden soil.  Do NOT use store bought soils, as these are sterile and have no life in them.  You NEED life to fuel the breakdown process, and regular garden soil is teeming with it.

A Sekar answered 3 years ago

How do we kill these Muggots/Grub worms? How do we overcome the problem?

A Sekar answered 3 years ago

How do we kill these Muggots/Grub worms? How do we overcome the problem?

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