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dog waste bokashi compost level not going down

Bokashi CommunityCategory: bokashi composting questionsdog waste bokashi compost level not going down
Sara Studer asked 3 weeks ago

Hello! I’ve been using the dog waste composting methods you’ve described on this forum for about a year and half (bucket with bottom cut off, buried, sealing lid, using the compost bran). In general it’s working ok – it rarely smells, and we’ve only had issues with it getting “bad” a couple of times with mold/maggots, and I was able to get it back under control with adding more bran and letting it sit covered for a few days. 
However – we have two bins going now, and both are decomposing very very slowly. They seem to be basically stalled. We do have some closed up compostable poop bags mixed in, but’s it’s mostly just dog poop and bokaski bran. We are located in Maine. Does anyone have suggestions for kick-starting the process? Anything else we should consider adding? Or do we just need to leave it closed up for months? Or do we need to relocate the bucket and bury that area? Ideas welcomed!