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9 houseplants that are safe for pets

Are you a gardening enthusiast who loves companion animals? You must have read about common plants that are unsafe for pets. Although such plants are attractive, they could harm your pet and it’s better to stay clear. However, if you must grow some, make sure you keep your pet indoors and have an emergency service provider on your speed dial.

Striking out unsafe plants from your list of gardening plants does not mean you’ll run out of options. The Seattle Vets team advises, “There are thousands of attractive and beneficial plants that are safe for pets. It’s always best to do proper research and preparation before planting anything new.” This article helps you find the top 9 non-toxic plants that are safe and perfect for your garden and home. We have also included some information about the plant to make it easier for you to choose and cultivate.

1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

spider plant


This funky and bushy plant with conspicuous bright green leaves that spill over is one the most popular decor plants in the states. Spider plants are hypoallergenic and easy to nurture. They grow best in neutral soils, require moderate moisture, and thrive in bright areas but not in direct sunlight. They don’t require much attention and grow fast; you’ll need to re-pot once a year.

2. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata)

Boston fern

Also known as the sword fern, it is one of the most attractive and popular ferns among plant lovers. The feather-like shape and soft branches make it perfect for hanging in your living room and other shaded areas. The Boston Fern is a “true fern.” It can survive tough environments and low sunshine areas. It thrives in low sunlight, humid and draft-free areas – perfect for indoor use.

3. Prayer Plant (Maranta Leuconeura)

prayer plant

From the deep jungles of Brazil is one of nature’s most beautiful plants – the prayer plant. Its deep green, velvety leaves have attractive yellow splotches running through the vein to the midrib. The leaves rise upright and fold together during the night. Like a prayer position. They thrive in most (but well-drained) soils, away from direct sunlight and heating appliances like wood burning stoves, fireplaces, or heat pump systems, and are excellent for hanging indoors.

4. Flamingo Flower (Anthurium Scherzeranum)

Flamingo Plant

If you love bright-colored flowers throughout the year, the Flamingo flower is a must-have indoor plant. It flowers continuously, and the flowers stay bloomed for long periods. Plus they are easy to care for, thriving in bright (but indirect) light.

5. African Violet (Saintpaulia Spp.)

African violet

This beautiful plant has dark green leaves complemented by deep violet flowers that bloom about ten months a year, and the blooms last 2-3 weeks! It thrives in plenty of sunshine, so it’s a perfect welcoming plant on the front porch and at the windows.

6. Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis)


This evergreen herb native to the Mediterranean is not only attractive but also has culinary uses. It requires plenty of sunshine(6-8 hours a day) and doesn’t like overwatering. Keep it under dry conditions.

7. Mexican Breadfruit (Monstera Deliciosa)

Mexican breadfruit

This large tropical plant has fast-growing elaborate leaves that could be perfect for playing hide and seek with your pet. It can tolerate low light but thrives in medium-lit areas. It is also a low-maintenance plant, and it is easy to grow and propagate.

8. Elephant-foot Tree (Beaucarnea Recurvata)

Elephant foot

Although they share a name with the largest land mammal, the elephant foot tree rarely grows larger than four feet. This plant loves water, but you should resist the urge to keep watering. Instead, plan to water it once, and saturate it. Then leave it to dry out over a couple of days. Also, avoid cold conditions; anything lower than 44°F could damage the leaves.

9. American Rubber Plant (Peperomia Obtusifolia)

Rubber plant

This flamboyant leafy plant produces attractive leaves of various green, red, and silver shades. It has a beautiful burst of color and would be perfect for your indoor setting. It thrives in high humidity, just like its native tropical habitat. You can keep it close to the shower, or mist the house to avoid wilting.

If you’d like more variety, check out these lists of pet-safe plants from the ASPCA.

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