
Arielle asked 7 years ago

If I grow fruits and veggies using this compost material, can it still be qualified as organic?

1 Answers
Nicki Casley Staff answered 7 years ago

Interesting question! The bokashi bran is not certified organic however, there is very little bran used in the making of the bokashi compost. You will just be adding 1 or 2 heaping tbsps of bran for every 1″ of food waste so the percentage of bran (non-organic material) is very low. Plus the bokashi bran will break down and compost over time.

Whether this small percentage of non-organic material will mean that your fruits and vegetables are or aren’t qualified as organic will depend on the definition of organic.

I hope that helps. I would love to hear where you are located and how ‘organic’ is defined.

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