Can I put flowers (cut from my garden and after they fade) into my bokashi composter?

Bokashi CommunityCategory: bokashi composting questionsCan I put flowers (cut from my garden and after they fade) into my bokashi composter?
Marian asked 8 years ago
1 Answers
Nicki Casley Staff answered 8 years ago

Cut flowers are fine in your bokashi composter but they don’t add a lot of value to your bokashi compost. Food waste is definitely best in your bokashi composter and will give you the best compost. We often recommend that people don’t put bulky items (such as cut flowers, paper, compostable plastics and used tissues) into their bokashi bins as they take up valuable space.

People’s use of the bokashi composter, and what they choose to put in it, varies depending on their goals. Read more

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